Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Three Assets of Connor Can Attract You

Connor is the interesting character in Assassin's Creed 3. His assassin's creed hoodie looks very cool and it has a good match with him. There are three reasons in the game that attract the player. First of all, it is the story in which he took by far the best and offers layers Ubisoft Montreal has produced to date. Here, the objectives of the various fractions are not clear at all, are no longer the Templars evil carnival and it is doubtful that the assassins were entirely on the side of the angels.

The American Revolution is the perfect backdrop for the secret war of intrigue; always the sign on the front of the two conflicts blur the line between tactical opportunism and moral bankruptcy. Before the release of the game, the fact that Connor seems to spend most of his time hacking into followers to British prompted some commentators wonder aloud whether Assassin's Creed 3 was simple hagiography United States. Nothing could be further from the truth

The other assets of Connor are the world he lived in and the fact that it is a Swiss army knife to deal with death. Not only are there a ton of deadly gadgets - like his predecessor - but the developers have built their mission so that it never feels like red fantasy setting in.

Apart from the usual observation aims roofs quickly followed with a hidden blade kills, players can use to release Connor small towns to carry Marshal squad weapon carry gun stolen and even participating in naval warships of the enemy. It can even stop and the skin of the animal strange if the player wishes.

As in previous iterations, the
assassins creed costumes are more and more popular, and Assassins Creed 3 allows players to build and maintain a microcosm of trade around the base of the protagonist of operations. To this end, Connor allow trappers, loggers and a variety of other craftsmen of the 18th In the country to regulate century around the estate, and the player is able with them goods and handicrafts from exchange resources they collect in these sales.

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